Prestigious prize for Amira

On November 9, Amira received a great award at a gala in Naples, organized by the “International Organization for Diplomatic Relations”.

The title that goes with it is called: “International Mediterranean Best Female Opera Star 2019”.

Of course, Amira also sang there. “O Mio Babbino Caro” and “O Sole Mio” – a duet with an Italian tenor Fabio Armiliato.

A chic party of course completely Amira-worthy. The whole family was invited.

It’s nice that Mr. Willighagen also appeared in the pictures again.

The whole weekend the family was pampered and  the family always needed to sniff some culture.

A visit to Pompeii and the oldest opera house “San Carlo” and the Andy Warhole Museum.

Many photos have been taken. An impression:

Photos of the Gala:

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  1. you are not wrong amira is the best singer in the world the people love angel amira

  2. Amira is more than deserving of this award. She is most definitely the greatest opera singer in the world. She is so beautiful and her voice is just magnificent. It is so clean and and at the same time soft even when she hits those high notes. She mesmerizes when she sings. I hope that she never stops singing.

  3. Sincerest congratulations to Amira on receiving this coveted award. I can only say that the award went to an incomparably beautiful and exquisitely talented young lady. I visit other realms of music, but always return to Amira and will always do so.

    • Hallo ich möchte mich allen Kommentaren anschliessen.Sie ist einfach phantastisch.Seit ich sie 2013 gehört und gesehen habe bin ich ein Fan 1.Grades.Sie hat alle Attribute verdient.Ich hoff auf eine 4.CD.Alles alles gute für Sie und ihre Familie. Bleiben Sie von Corona verschont!Ihr Fan Ulrich Freier

  4. I can only say congratulations to Amira and thank you for the untold and priceless pleasure you have given to the world. Will there be a video???

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