
When Amira Willighagen was only 7 years old, during one of the visits to her grandmother in South-Africa, Amira’s mother took her daughter to the township Ikageng in Potchefstroom (near Johannesburg). Seeing the children there touched Amira enormously, as they didn’t have anything to do and no place to play. Amira decided for herself that, if she would ever get the chance, she would help these children and started dreaming about building the children of Ikageng their own playground.

Now that Amira has become quite famous with her performances in Holland’s Got Talent, recently recorded her debute CD and by now also gets requests for concerts in various countries, she can finally realize her dream.

The kickoff of Amira’s own charity project for the children of Ikageng takes place in the spring holiday of 2014, when she’ll visit South-Africa for her very first international performance during the RMB Starlight Classics Concerts.

Amira will use half of her revenue which she earns with these performances, as well as half the revenue made with the CD sales, to realize her dream for the children of Ikageng.

The video below gives you an impression of the life in and around the township of Ikageng.

Amira Willighagen - Charity Project - Ikageng, South Africa

And below you can enjoy a video of playing children, who are actually playing in the first playground that was financed and opened by Amira on March 5th 2014 in Ikageng.

children playing at Amira's park


We are now in the year 2018. A lot has happened in the meantime. The Stichting Gelukskinders was founded (November 1st, 2014) to support Amira in her goal to have as many children as possible play in townships of South Africa.

Thanks to donations, actions and Amira herself, 6 playgrounds have been built so far. Here are some photos of various projects:

Four new playgrounds are planned for 2019.

Click here to visit the Stichting Gelukskinders website and learn more.



  1. François THERY

    Toujours autant de plaisir à en entendre cette belle personne qu’est notre jeune Amira! J’espère qu’elle saura garder ses valeurs par la suite. Merci de continuer à embellir nos journées de votre voix mélodieuse.

  2. God bless you, Amira because God has blessed us with you and your beautiful voice! I can listen to you for hours and never be tired of listening. You are so sweet and a precious, humble spirit! Bless you for blessing the children with playgrounds. We love you! Hope to meet you someday when you come to Miami, FL, USA.


  4. Alfonso Chaparro Lule

    Amira, niña bendecida por DIOS, soy de México, tienes una voz privilegiada, cuida ese don que DIOS Bendito te regalo, y por favor no cambies por nada, eres de Gran valor por tu sencillez y humildad, por lo que haces en favor de los niños, sin importar la raza, color de piel, credo, eres maravillosa y cuida esa voz, es única, Te Admiro

    Amira, girl blessed by GOD, I am from Mexico, you have a privileged voice, take care of that gift that GOD Blessed Give you, and please do not change for anything, you are of Great Value for your simplicity and humility, so you do for the favor of children, regardless of race , skin color, creed, you’re wonderful and take care of that voice, it’s unique, I admire you

  5. I love you for all you do. Thank you for all you do. I liked all your videos , wonderful voice. 🌺🌸❤️

  6. Josefina Hernández

    Querida Amira: Tengo muchos años pero te sigo desde que encontré tu participación en VOX ingles. Eres un ángel y puedes cambiar el mundo con tu voz, que es un don del cielo, pero también con tu gran corazón. Nunca dejes de ser Tú misma y que la dulzura de tus ojos y gestos no se vean enturviados por el éxito. Tus mejores apoyos, tus padres y hermanos.
    Que Dios te bendiga siempre.

  7. Ich werde jetzt auf Deutsch schreiben.
    Amira, du machst mich Glücklich, auch deine Eltern. Du hast ein großartiges Ziel. Es gibt Menschen und solche, die sich Menschen nennen, die viel Leid auf der Welt verursachen. Kinder werden ausgebeutet um viel Geld zu verdienen. Du hast mit deinem Ziel ein Projekt ins Leben gerufen. Ich lebe unterhalb der Armutsgrenze und möchte gerne wieder in meiner Wahlheimat – Thailand zurück kehren. Das ist eines meiner Ziele.

    Sei ganz lieb gegrüßt

  8. Catherine Cullinan

    Hi amira, you have amazing voice, and I love your music. Well done for helping out less fortune children in Africa. Love if you came to Ireland so I can get to see you perform. I love to donate to that charity your doing.

  9. It recognizes you right there Amira, generous and always for long.

    Long life to you


  10. Marianne Dijzel

    What a wonderful young lady Amira is, mature beyond her years, and still a beautiful little girl still, with the right values in place. I’ll most certainly support every venture of hers, and salute her for this wonderful gesture. Being a South African myself, I’m proud that her roots also have a South African connection through her mother who came from SA. And her grandmama must be so proud of her now, even if she didn’t live to see her beautiful granddaughter perform live. God bless them all, and I’ll most certainly purchase her CD’s and/or DVD’s, and not only watch them from Youtube.

  11. Ottavio Battaglia

    Brava Amira per la tua iniziativa di costruire un parco giochi per i bambini di Ikageng, non ci aveva pensato mai nessuno, potenti o statisti, per fare contenti dei bambini ci doveva pensare una bambina, questo fa onore alla tua persona, non solo, ma per tutto quello che stai facendo. Sicuramente farà pensare tante persone….SEI GRANDE, HAI UNA VOCE MERAVIGLIOSA

  12. Alberto Pinero

    Uit Spanje, gefeliciteerd, Amira.
    You’re a delightful child. Have a wonderful voice.

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