A very musical week for Amira

Last week -which ended today with the third and final performance at the Teatro of Montecasino, Johannesburg- for Amira was a week filled with music. Rehearsals, interviews for radio, TV and magazines, and performing for an overwhelmed audience: Amira enjoys it to the fullest!

Last Sunday Amira performed in Durban. During the yearly FNB Starlight Pop Opera she sang Ave Madiba, an adapted version of Ave Maria to honour Nelson Mandela.

Amira Willighagen - "Ave Madiba" at Starlight Concert - Durban, South Africa - 9 August 2014

Last week, also a lot of promotion had to be done around the three Paul Potts And Friends-conerten on August 15, 16 en 17 in the Teatro of Montecasino, Johannesburg. Amira rehearsed a lot together with Paul Potts and James Bhemgee. In varying combinations, they also visited various radio stations, and interviews for TV were given.

On CliffCentral.Com, an internet-radio station in Johannesburg, a long interview with Amira, Paul en James was broadcast, in which the three singers did their own version of Happy Birthday for one of the show’s hosts.

Radio-interview Paul Potts & Friends @ CliffCentral

In Pretoria, Amira, Paul en James appeared as guests in the radio show Huistoe at  GrootFM, where they -somewhere in the 25-minute interview in Afrikaans and English- performed for the first time as a trio and sang Andrea Boccelli’s Con Te Partiro.

Interview Paul Potts, Amira and James Bhemgee @ GrootFM, Pretoria (12-8-2014)

Besides the rehearsals and interviews, there was enough time left to enjoy their holiday. Amira and her family visited the Jubilani Lodge, where last year two lion cubs were named after Amira and Fincent. At Montecasino, around the hotel there was also a lot to do. Amira and her brother Fincent often visited a big cinema, where they could choose from 12 haals to watch a movie. They also enjoyed going to a play hall which was specially for children, or they went for a swim by the hotel.

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