Start of the Easter action for Gelukskinders.
First let me say that I do not turn a blind eye to what else is going on in this world. My thoughts are with all the families whose next of kin is never to return home… And it doesn’t matter from which country you are. So sad… But also good to see so many people from all over the world reaching out to the refugees, either in goods or money.
The foundation Gelukskinders tries to make the lives of children in the townships of South Africa a bit more happier by giving them the ooportunity to play in actual playgrounds. Now added are sports equipment for the higher grade children including a tournament in netbal for the girls and soccer for the boys. The girls go first… as it should be… and we start with collecting for the township Hessie, the third big public playground. As both are rather expensive we hope we can finish these projects in two actions this year… The target: for this Easter action is €10.000,–.
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